Milton Keynes Festival of the Arts for Dance, Music and Drama
Milton Keynes' largest annual performing arts festival for amateurs
  • Thank you for choosing to enter our festival online. If you do not already have a copy of the music and drama festival syllabus, then the first thing you need to do is to download one from website as this shows all the classes you can enter in the festival, along with the class numbers.
  • Then you need to register on this site as a new user, or if you have already done this (ie if you entered online last year), you can login as an existing user.
  • If you entered online last year you will only need to add new performers to your list as those from last year will still be visible.
  • If you haven't entered online before, you cannot enter any classes until you have registered and then you enter the names of the performers or ensembles wishing to perform at the festival.
  • Once you have entered this preliminary information you can then enter classes for those performers, which then go into your basket and a final payment amount will be displayed which you will then pay by going straight into our Paypal payment process. This will then ensure that your festival entry is confirmed and you will receive confirmation via our online system. You can also opt to pay by cheque or online banking.
  • You can access your festival account up to the closing date to make additional entries, make changes or view your entries.
  • Once the closing date of 31 December has passed we will put the festival programme together and all correspondence relating to performance dates and times will be sent to you direct via email. If you are a teacher you should then forward this information to your pupils / their parents.
  • Do go ahead and register and we look forward to receiving your entries.

(Alternative way to enter the festival is to email your entry form to and then pay by BACS)

Please note that your entry will not be confirmed until you have paid in full, either by PayPal, cheque or BACS.

Best wishes

Milton Keynes Festival of the Arts Committee

2025 Syllabus and entry form available for view and download via the website

Existing Users Login Here

Before logging in please note that Privacy Policies and Terms of Use have been updated. Please read them before logging in.

* Indicates that the field is mandatory.

New Users Register Here

When you register with you will be asked to confirm that you have read and accept:

Creating an account in run my festival means that in the future you will be able to enter any other Festival who uses run my festival through their own website. If that is the case you will always be asked to accept the Privacy Policy of each Festival you attempt to access.

Enter your email address to register with run my festival so that you can enter Milton Keynes Festival of the Arts for Dance, Music and Drama.

An email will be sent to this address and you can use it to complete the registration process. We recommend that you add emails from to your safe sender's or contacts list.

If you do not receive an email please check your spam folder. Emails can fail to be delivered for one of the following reasons (we will be notified in these cases):

  • The email supplied is incorrect or has a typo in it
  • Receiving inboxes are full
  • Your email host provider is blocking emails

* Indicates that the field is mandatory.

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